avoid having to 意味

  • ~せざるを得ない状態{じょうたい}を避ける[回避{かいひ}する]


  1. to avoid having to eat his own dirty sandwich .
  2. that's why i tried to avoid having to make such decisions .
    そういうのを取り決めるのは 避けてきたんですけど➡
  3. however , a store started making efforts to regenerate the fukuchiyama family , to avoid having to close it .
  4. he deeply loved wife , tama (baptismal name " gracia " ), and managed to avoid having to cut his connection with her after her father mitsuhide akechi instigated the honnoji incident by imprisoning her .


        avoid having to resign:    退陣{たいじん}[辞職{じしょく}]せざるを得ない状態{じょうたい}を避ける
        avoid the trouble of having to:    ~する手間{てま}を省く
        avoid having japan be internationally isolated:    日本{にほん}が国際社会{こくさい しゃかい}から孤立{こりつ}しないようにする
        avoid having reforms run out of steam:    改革{かいかく}が掛け声倒れにならないようにする
        having:    {名} : 財産{ざいさん}、所有物{しょゆうぶつ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 欲ばりの ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        not having that:    それはいやだ
        avoid:     avoid v. 避ける. 【副詞1】 I barely avoided a tree . もうちょっとで木に車をぶつけるところだった Sprays containing this substance are better avoided. この物質を含むスプレーは避けるがよい She carefully avoided replying to that
        to avoid:    to avoid 斎む いむ 躱す かわす 避く さく 交す 交わす かわす 免れる まぬかれる まぬがれる
        (having) no objection:    (having) no objection 差し支えない さしつかえない
        but having said that:    しかしそうは言ったものの
        groan at having to:    ~しなければならないことに不満{ふまん}の声を上げる
        having a dream:    having a dream 夢見 ゆめみ
        having a headache:    having a headache 頭が痛い あたまがいたい
        having a meal:    having a meal 腹拵え はらごしらえ
        having a weakness for:    having a weakness for 目がない めがない


  1. "avoid hasty generality" 意味
  2. "avoid hasty judgment" 意味
  3. "avoid hasty military action" 意味
  4. "avoid having japan be internationally isolated" 意味
  5. "avoid having reforms run out of steam" 意味
  6. "avoid having to resign" 意味
  7. "avoid hazards" 意味
  8. "avoid hearing someone talking about" 意味
  9. "avoid heart attacks" 意味
  10. "avoid having japan be internationally isolated" 意味
  11. "avoid having reforms run out of steam" 意味
  12. "avoid having to resign" 意味
  13. "avoid hazards" 意味

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