to avoid having to eat his own dirty sandwich . 卑しい事だと思っていると言えるでしょう
that's why i tried to avoid having to make such decisions . そういうのを取り決めるのは 避けてきたんですけど➡
however , a store started making efforts to regenerate the fukuchiyama family , to avoid having to close it . しかし、1店舗がファミリーの再生に乗り出して閉館は免れた。
he deeply loved wife , tama (baptismal name " gracia " ), and managed to avoid having to cut his connection with her after her father mitsuhide akechi instigated the honnoji incident by imprisoning her . 正室の玉(洗礼名ガラシャ)への愛情は深く、その父・明智光秀が本能寺の変を起こしたときも離縁せずに、幽閉して累の及ぶのを避けている。